PLUS18 – Poland-Lithuania and Saxony in the 18th Century
Heads of Project: Andreas Rutz, Joachim Schneider
Project Manager: Mario Kliewer
Auxiliary Staff: Filip Emanuel Schuffert, Elisabeth Mattiaschk
Saxony, Poland and Lithuania were extraordinarily closely intertwined in the 18th century. However, the history of the Saxon-Polish-Lithuanian Union under the reigns of August II and August III (1697-1763) and of the Duchy of Warsaw under King Frederick August I (1807-1815) has so far been viewed in the successor states primarily within the framework of national historical narratives. Not uncommon, this has led to stereotypical views. Saxon national history, for example, often reduced this era to the reign of August the Strong (August II) and the representative development of his royal court.
PLUS18 aims to take a new look at Poland-Lithuania and Saxony in the 18th century from a current research perspective. The project promotes exchange and cooperation between scholars and institutions in Lithuania, Poland and Germany who are researching the transfer of culture and knowledge and the interconnections between the countries and regions of the personal union. Different perspectives are bundled and a European re-evaluation of the history of this case of a composite state in the long 18th century is aimed at. The project will focus on early modern networks, forms of communication and objects of material culture.
To implement "PLUS18", the ISGV is preparing an application to the German Research Foundation in the funding format "Networks". The conception and development of this network will be funded by the Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism from 1 April to 31 December 2022 as part of a start-up project.
Polnisch-litauisches Königswappen mit dem kursächsischen Wappen – Sächsisch um 1710-1720 – Holz (Eiche?), geschnitzt, golden und farbig gefasst – Sächsische Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Rüstkammer
© SKD, Foto: Hans-Peter Klut, Inv. Nr. P 0342.
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